Mgr. Pavla Vamberová
Job: assistant
Phone: 210310237
Internal Line: 237
Themes: Politics and Political Attitudes
Curriculum Vitae
2011- 2014, M.A. Social and Cultural Ecology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague
2007-2010, B.A. Sociology and Social Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague
Selected Publications
Discourses and Justification of Security and Risk
2014, Mansfeldová, Zdenka - Guasti, Petra - Gawrecká, Daniela - Vamberová, Pavla - Lacina, Tomáš - Hronešová, Jessie (IS AS CR) - Tedeschi, Alessandra (DBL - Italy)
Communication Patterns and Effective Channels of Communication
2014, Guasti, Petra - Mansfeldová, Zdenka - Hronešová, Jessie - Gawrecká, Daniela - Vamberová, Pavla - Lacina, Tomáš (IS AS CR), Turhan, Ugur (AU - Turkey), Tedeschi, Alessandra (DBL - Italy) - De Gramatica, Martina (Italy) – Shim, Woohyun (UNITN - Italy) - Williams, Julian (UDUR - Great Britain)