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Petr Gibas, Ph.D.

Department: Socioeconomics of Housing

Job: post-doctoral fellow

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 210 310 214

Internal Line: 214

ORCID: 0000-0003-4767-6609

Themes: Housing

Curriculum Vitae


Petr Gibas is an anthropologist and cultural geographer based at the Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences. His scholarly interest covers issues of home and its relationship to housing, material culture studies of home, and phenomenological and landscape geography. In all these spheres, he pursues explorations into the intersection of policy and planning, experience and emotionality, and more-than-human entanglements. He is a co-author of books in English – Non-humans in Social Science: Animals, Spaces, Things (2011), Non-humans in Social Sciences: Ontologies, Theories and Case Studies (2014), Nonhumans and after in social science (2016) –, and in Czech – Allotment Gardens: Shadow of the Past or a Glimpse of the Future? (2013), DIY: a fine mosaic of self-led making (2019), Bricolage: From “self-led manual projects” to DIY (2020) –, and numerous articles.

Selected Publications

Pražská panelová sídliště jako místa protikladů

Pražská panelová sídliště jako místa protikladů

2020, Hoření Samec, Tomáš, Michal Lehečka (eds.)

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