doc. Mgr. Tereza Stöckelová, Ph.D.
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
Job: senior researcher
ORCID: 0000-0001-9251-7987
Topics: Climate Change, Sociology of Sciences, Technology and society, Public health, Environment
Curriculum Vitae
2008 - Ph.D. in sociology, Charles University, Prague
Tereza specialises in the social studies of science, technology and medicine. Her research interests include political ecology, biosociality and technologies in and of the Anthropocene. She founded and collaborates in the Interdisciplinary Platform for the Study of Nutrition and Metabolism in Social and Ecological Contexts. She is the vice-chair of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology, an advisory body to UNESCO.
Teaching Activities
since 2016: associate professor, Department of General Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University
2011-2016: assistant professor, Department of General Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University
2010, 2013, 2014: guest professor, Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna, Austria
Foreign Study Visits and Internships
V-X/2018 Copenhagen Bussines School, Denmark
VI–VIII/2009 Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, The University of Edinburgh, UK
XI/2004–VI/2005 Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society, Graz, Austria
VIII–X/2004 Centre de sociologie de l’innovation, Ecole des Mines de Paris, France
Selected Publications
Equality, efficiency and effectiveness: going beyond RCTs in A. L. Cochrane's vision of health care
2019, Trnka, S., Stöckelová, T.
Academic stratospheres-cum-underworlds: When highs and lows of publication cultures meet.
2017, Stöckelová, T., F. Vostal
On the track of c/overt research: Lessons from taking ethnographic ethics to the extreme
2017, Virtová, T., T. Stöckelová, H. Krásná
Politika a každodennost na českých vysokých školách: Etnografické pohledy na vzdělávání a výzkum [Politics and everyday life in Czech universities: Ethnographic perspectives on teaching, learning and research]
2014, Dvořáčková, J., P. Pabian, S. Smith, T. Stöckelová, K. Šima, T. Virtová.
Data collection and research services on fundamental human rights issue – FRANET, Lot 3 – Czech Republic (FRA)
Project Duration: 2018 - 2026
RESISTIRÉ (RESpondIng to outbreakS through co-creaTIve inclusive equality stRatEgies)
Project Duration: 2021 - 2023