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  • Czech Greens in the 2002 General Election: A New Lease of Life?

Czech Greens in the 2002 General Election: A New Lease of Life?

Kostelecký, Tomáš, Jehlička, Petr. 2003. „Czech Greens in the 2002 General Election: A New Lease of Life?“. Environmental Politics. 12 (2): 133-139. ISSN 0964-4016.

The article analyses the fortunes of the Geens in the 2002 General Election in the Czech Republic. The path of development ofthe Greens from the promissing party with good brand name and unkown and somewhat suspicious leaders into political marginality in the first half of the 1990's was changed in the beginning of the 21st century. The complete internal change of theparty connected with rising cooperation with more respected environmental NGO activists is considered the main reason for theparty political rebirth.




Historická sociologie, Hodnotové orientace, Volby a volební výzkumy


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