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  • International symposium Borders, Mobility of Care and Translocal Social Reproduction
We would like to invite you to an international symposium Borders, Mobility of Care and Translocal Social Reproduction. The event will be held as a hybrid event on Thursday December 2, 2021. Please, register to the event. We will send you the link and ID if you prefer to participate online. In case you are in Prague, you can attend in person (Academic conference centre, Husova 4a, Praha 1).

The symposium will focus on the regional perspective of Central Europe and the link between the cross-border care regime and use of cheap labour and the exploitation of care workers’ mobility. Moreover, it will reflect recent developments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which have highlighted the deficit of care and social inequalities within the EU that are linked to the provision of care.

You can find the program and abstracts at

Please register to the conference and chose if you want to participate online or in-person, the capacity in the room is limited due to pandemic restrictions:


Mgr. Zuzana Uhde, Ph.D.

Mgr. Zuzana Uhde, Ph.D.

Department: Gender & Sociology

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