Parliamentary Institute - professional background for elected representatives
Parliamentary Institute belongs to the family of so-called Parliamentary research and information services that provide impartial information to the members of the parliaments. The aim of the existence of these services is to ensure a plurality of information available to MPs.
The lecture presents the history, current structure, and scope of activities of the Parliamentary institute, principles of work, and the role of expert analysis in public policy-making.
Mgr. Štěpán Pecháček, Ph.D., graduated from the Faculty of Arts of Palacký University in Olomouc, majoring in political science and history, where he subsequently received his Ph.D. in sociology in 2004. He has been working at the Parliamentary Institute since 1997. Since 2005 as Head of the General Studies Department and since 2015 as Director. He specializes in parliamentary theories, electoral systems and political parties, and foreign policy.
The seminar is freely accessible for those attending f2f, if you intend to attend online, please fill in your email HERE.