As part of its Open Day the Institute of Sociology organised toursthrough the Institute and lectures, which were given by representativesfrom the Institute’s research departments and employees from the Pressand Publications Department and the Sociological Library. The speakerspresented visitors with information about the activities of theInstitute as a whole and about the current research projects under wayin the research departments. Activities also included an exhibition ofpublications by Institute employees and a tour through the SociologicalLibrary.
Of particular interest for visitors were the lecture on public opinionresearch methods presented by Gabriela Šamanová from the Public OpinionResearch Centre, the lecture on political sociology by ZdenkaMansfeldová, and the lecture on introducing fees at post-secondaryschools presented by Natalie Simonová.
The Czech Border Regions research department located at the Ustí nadLabem branch of the Institute of Sociology opened its doors to thepublic, presenting lectures on the activities of the Czech BorderRegions research department its current research projects, and on basicinformation about the Institute of Sociology AS CR. Miroslav Brožinformed students about the results of the most recent study conductedon ethnic tolerance in the border regions, with a special focus on theRoma community.
A total of 213 people visited the Institute of Sociology AS CR on itsOpen Day this year, which was the largest number of visitors recordedat any of the academic institutes in the field of the humanities andthe social sciences.