[27.04.2009] Citizens about the Presidency to the European Union
[23.04.2009] Popularity of Party Representatives
[22.04.2009] What about Czechs and toleration?
[21.04.2009] Political culture [20.04.2009] On the elections to the European Parliament
[20.04.2009] Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in April 2009
[15.04.2009] Party Preferences and Voting Model in April 2009
[15.04.2009] Citizens on U.S. Anti-Missile Radar Base in Czech Republic - March 2009
[10.04.2009] Who is a foreigner?
[10.04.2009] Czech Public's Attitudes to Foreigners
[07.04.2009] Czech Public Opinion on the Treaty of Lisbon
[06.04.2009] Citizens about the Presidency to the European Union