Prestige of professions [28.6.2007]
Ecological behaviour of Czechs [27.6.2007]
Evaluation of economic transformation after year 1989 [26.6.2007]
Party Preferences and Voting Model in June 2007 [20.6.2007]
Evaluation of information presented in media [20.6.2007]
Czech citizens and the environment protection [15.6.2007]
Citizens about living together with Romany population and their chances at society [15.6.2007]
Public Attitude to Death Penalty [11.6.2007]
Public opinion about foeticide and euthanasia [8.6.2007]
Czech citizens´ attitude to rights of homosexual couples [7.6.2007]
Citizens about foreigners in the Czech Republic II. [5.6.2007]