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  • Národní kontaktní centrum - gender a věda 2017-2020

Project Duration: 2017 - 2020

Category: Projects

The National Contact Centre for Gender and Science is a unique initiative in the Central European region and serves as the national contact point for gender equality and gender mainstreaming in European research. It provides specific expertise and training to Czech researchers and research institutions related to Horizon 2020. The project monitors the state of gender equality and the position of women and men in Czech science cooperates with relevant actors (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Office of the Government, Technological Agency of the Czech Republic, Czech Science Foundation, etc.) drafts documents and provides expertise, and increases awareness about gender issues in science. It is integrated in international networks (eument-net, EPWS, ATGender, genderSTE, RINGS) and contributes to formulating research and innovation policies. It participates in international projects and cooperates with similar organizations abroad, especially in Europe.

The project ensures the functions of a national contact point for gender equality and gender mainstreaming in Horizon 2020. The goal of the National Contact Centre for Gender and Science is to ensure ERA Priority 4 gender equality and gender mainstreaming in the Czech Republic through building capacities for the participation in Horizon 2020 and international cooperation in research. The project will provide training, support and consultations to Czech applicants as regards meeting the criteria of gender equality in Horizon 2020 projects and the preparation of structural change projects within the Horizon 2020 SwafS Work Programme. For this purpose the Working Group for Change was established in 2015, the goal of which is to build capacities of Czech applicants. Special attention will be paid to capacity development of early-career researchers through a mentoring programme and building international cooperation of mentoring programmes within the European network eument-net. The project will also monitor and analyse the state of gender equality and the position of women and men in Czech research, and provide information to European institutions. The project will cooperate with relevant stakeholders of state and public administration (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Office of the Government, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Czech Science Foundation, Czech Academy of Sciences, higher education institutions) in Priority 4 gender equality and gender mainstreaming. It will be integrated in international networks (eument-net, European Platform for Women Scientists, ATGender, genderSTE, RINGS). It will cooperate with related support and research organizations abroad, especially in Europe, with the goal of ensuring knowledge transfer and best practice sharing in the Czech Republic and raising awareness about gender equality in research in the Czech academic and wider community.

Principal Investigator:

Members of the project team:

  • Mgr. et Mgr. Timea Crofony, MPA
  • Pavla Rypáčková, M.A.
  • Mgr. et Mgr. Hana Tenglerová
  • Kristýna Veitová, MA. et MA.


Gender, Sociology of Sciences

Contracting authority:

Ministry Project


National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Themes: gender, sociologievedy

Publication Type: kapitolavknizemonografii

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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