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  • Regional disparities in availability and affordability of housing, their socio-economic consequences and tools directed to increase availability and affordability of housing and decrease the regional disparities

Project Duration: 2007 - 2011

Category: Projects

The project will reveal, quantify and analyze actual regional disparities (among regions NUTS 3) in availability and affordability of housing in the Czech Republic. The time series describing the development of such disparities will be provided. The project will also analyse the influence of changes in housing conditions, in general, and the changes in regional disparities in housing conditions (availability and affordability of housing), in particular, on their potential selected socio-economic consequences. In this respect the project will use the original new methodology for measurement of availability and affordability of housing that reflects the particular situation in transitional countries.

The goal of the project is also to identify such factors that, on one side, influence the level of availability and affordability of housing and their regional disparities, and, on the second side, may be effectively shaped by public interventions. The goal is to propose such effective and efficient measures (tools) that would:

  • increase availability and affordability of housing
  • decrease the regional disparities in availability and affordability of housing
  • decrease negative socio-economic consequences of low availability and affordability of housing and high regional disparities in availability and affordability of housing - especially consequences on demographic behaviour patterns of young generation, flexibility of labour and spatial social segregation of households endangered by unaffordability of housing
  • increase availability of particular types of housing especially in regions where there is high discrepance between housing supply and housing need (housing demand) of particular types of housing
  • increase availability of housing through particular effective and efficient tools on housing refurbishment
  • increase availability of housing through the introduction of new forms of rental housing.


Principal Investigator:



Contracting authority:

Ministry Project


Socioeconomics of Housing

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