Sunega, Petr, Martin Lux, Martina Mikeszová. 2010. Regionální rozdíly ve finanční dostupnosti bydlení jako bariéra pro migraci za prací – analýza a možné nástroje státu. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.. 55 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-179-8.
The study includes comparison of migration levels among selected EU-27 countries, analysis of regional differences in the level of internal migration in the CR, overview of selected theories explaining the relationship between housing conditions and labour migration, results of empirical analysis of the relationships between regional differences in housing affordability and level of internal migration in the CR, and proposal of tools supporting labour migration in the CR.
Housing, European Union, Migration and Mobility, Work, Public Policy