Project Duration: 2010 - 2013
Czech sociology has been through enormous development since 1989, when it was freed from the constraints of ideology, and it is now gradually returning to the international stage. Persecuted and exiled scholars were able to rejoin the academic community, a new generation of researchers has emerged, and new research institutions have been established. However, further qualitative development and wider social applicability of sociological findings are prevented by the insufficient "self-knowledge" and knowledge of the history of Czech sociology, its fragmentation and little public awareness, leading at times to overly academic and/or the duplication of studies. This project aims to present the full picture of contemporary Czech sociology and related social sciences to the academic and lay public, to elaborate a modern history of Czech sociology in an international and interdisciplinary context (and with special attention devoted to sociologists working in exile in 1948-1989), and to prepare a reference edition of the most important, but today hard to find, sociological journals, which will serve as a source of historical and comparative material for contemporary researchers. The outcome of the project will be a CD-ROM, two dictionary publications, and two monographs.
Principal Investigator:
Historical Sociology
Contracting authority:
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
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Attached Files
- 0302111510097ce15046d52bdeb67ab.doc (doc, 25.5 KB)
- 040112121050d509f7e057ca31c9bb1.doc (doc, 50 KB)
- 1001131538425c4c4a375d176ee4d0e.doc (doc, 58 KB)
- dscs_final.pdf (pdf, 614.93 KB)