prof. PhDr. Zdeněk R. Nešpor, PhD.
Department: Economic and Religious Studies
Job: Senior Fellow
Phone: 210 310 223
Internal Line: 223
ORCID: 0000-0001-5047-5790
Topics: History of Sociology, Adolescence and Religiosity
Curriculum Vitae
- 2017: Charles University, Prague, Full Professor
- 2009: Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, Habilitation
- 2005: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, PhD. in history
- 2002: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, M. A. in history of religions
- 2001: Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, M. A. in social anthropology
- 1998: Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, B. A. in humanities
- sociology of religion and culture
- history of religion
- social anthropology
- economic sociology
- history of sociology
Teaching Activities
- since 2001: Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, Full Professor
- 2003-2005: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, researcher
Foreign Study Visits and Internships
- EHESS Paris - Centre d´études interdisciplinaires des faits religieux (III-IV/2006)
- University of California Santa Barbara - Dpt. of Religious Studies (VI-VIII/2007)
- Ludwig-Maximiliens-Universität München (IV-VI/2023)
- Fellow of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic (since 2022)
- Editor-in-chied of the (Czech) Sociological Encyclopaedia
- Editor-in-chief of anthropological journal Lidé města / Urban People (since 2007, 2004-08 member of the Editorial Board)
- Member of the Editorial Board of Český lid (since 2018)
- Member of the Editorial Board of Central European Journal for Contemporary Religion (since 2017)
- Member of the Czech Editorial Board of Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review (2006-16)
- Czech Science Foundation: chairperson of Disciplinary Committee for History and Archeology and vice-chairperson of General Committee for Social Sciences and Humanities of the Czech Science Foundation (2009-13) member/chairperson of Disciplinary Committee for Philosophy and Religious Studies (2015-18)
- Member of the Supervisory Board of the Czech Science Foindation (2023-)
- Member of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Ethnology CAS
- His wife is sociologist and social anthropologist Olga Nešporová, PhD.
- They have thee children
Social stratification in the Czech Republic and Central Europe: 1968-2018
Project Duration: 2018 - 2020