Vohlídalová, Marta. 2010. Akademické duety: o profesním a soukormém životě ve vědě. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. 200 s.
The publication brings fifteen portraits of couples where both partners work in science, research or teach at a higher education institutions. Interviews focused on couples from different academic disciplines and in different life stages. They included young Ph.D. students with children, who stand at the very beginning of their scientific career, postdoctoral scientist as well as established researchers at the height of their careers and couples who are slowly wrapping up their research careers and whose children are adults with their own families. The open accounts of people from various environments of science and research give us the opportunity to explore various facets of building a research career, the role of parenthood, and seeking a balance between work and private life in the scientific profession.
Interpersonal Relations, Sociology of Sciences, Education