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  • Co občané České republiky vědí o politice a proč je to důležité?

Co občané České republiky vědí o politice a proč je to důležité?

Lyons, Pat. 2008. „Co občané České republiky vědí o politice a proč je to důležité?“. Pp. 177-208 in Mansfeldova, Zdenka, Aleš Kroupa (eds.). Proměny reprezentace zájmů po vstupu do Evropské unie. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství SLON. 274 s. ISBN 978-80-86429-88-5.

This chapter shows that (1) Czech citizens know most about local and national politics (2) the distribution of political knowledge in the Czech Republic is biased leading to political inequality (3) in contrast to other citizens in the EU-25 member states, Czechs have lower than average levels of general knowledge of the Union (4) level of political knowledge is most strongly determined by citizen motivation followed by access to information, and ability to make sense of politics.



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