Lux Martin, Sunega Petr. 2018. „Czech Republic: growth and proffesionalisation“. Pp. 167-188 in Hegedüs, J. Lux, M. Horváth, V.. Private rental housing in transition countries: an alternative to owner occupation?. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
The chapter describes the main milestones on the path of private renting growth in the Czech Republic after 1990 and a snapshot analysis of the status of the private rental sector today. The goal of this chapter is to show that specific interventions and regulations, often short-term in nature (such as property restitution, rent regulation or public housing privatization), had a significant impact on the long-term meaning of private renting in the Czech Republic, i.e. on its size, operation and affordability but also its stigma and perception. Such an association between short-term policies and their long-term consequences can provide added theoretical knowledge about dynamics of housing systems.