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Genderová rovnost ve vědě, výzkumu a vysokém školství: příklady praxe

Hana Tenglerová (ed.), Kamila Šimandlová, Ester Šebestová, Jana Dvořáčková, Marcela Linková. 2018. „Genderová rovnost ve vědě, výzkumu a vysokém školství: příklady praxe“. Sociologicky ustav AV ČR, v. v. i. Available from:

The publication presents a selection of current measures to promote gender equality in Europe and the Czech Republic. It focuses on activities of ministries, research funding organizations and research performing organizations in areas such as the work-life balance, gender in research and teaching content, women's participationdecision-making and recognition.




Gender, Sociology of Sciences, Public Policy


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