Šafr, J. 2014. „Kulturní spotřeba a sociální distinkce v České republice“. Pp. 114 – 143 in P. Zahrádka (ed.). Spotřební kultura: historie, teorie a výzkum. Praha: ACADEMIA. ISBN 978-80-200-2372-8.
Cultural consumption and social distinction in the Czech Republic
in P. Zahrádka (ed.). 2014. Consumer culture: history, theory and research. Praha: ACADEMIA.
The chapter deals with the link between consumer preferences and vertical – class position in contemporary Czech society. Theoretical models of cultural consumption and positions in the social structure (homology, individualization, cultural omnivorousness) are presented, the validity of which is verified on data from research on consumer preferences (MML TGI 2004) and cultural participation (Culture in the Regions of the Czech Republic 2011). The results confirm the validity of the homology thesis: high culture and taste of ostentatiousness are associated with a higher class position in Czech society, however, among the determinants of consumer culture it is not possible to overlook the non-vertical components of social standing (life cycle, gender).
Culture, Social Inequalities, Consumption