Vojtíšková, Kateřina, Mička, Pavel, Poláková, Markéta, Patočková, Věra, Vajdová, Zdenka. 2015. „Metodika tvorby koncepčních dokumentů pro rozvoj kultury a podporu cestovního ruchu s využitím participativních přístupů“. ISBN 978-80-7330-262-7. (metodika). [cit. 15.04.2015]Available from: http://invenio.nusl.cz/record/181049
The methodology describes the process of creation of conceptual document for culture. It deals with culture in the complex way so it enables overlapping with other areas of local development. The process of creation of the document is introduced as a part of broader approach of cultural planning. Involvement of local community and application of participatory approach belong to its key attributes. The methodology is primarily intended for small and mid-size towns.
- PhDr. Ing. Pavel Mička
- PhDr. Markéta Horpeniaková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Věra Patočková, M.A., Ph.D.