Kalvas, František. 2009. „Ověření hypotézy o nastolování agendy pomocí panelových dat“. Pp. 76-97 in Škodová, Markéta, Vlastimil Nečas (eds). Veřejná a mediální agenda: komparativní analýza tematizace veřejné sféry. Praha: Professional Publishing. 148 s. ISBN 978-80-7431-009-6.
The chapter is dedicated to testing of validity of classical agenda-setting hypothesis in Czech environment per panel data from the second quarter of 2008. The analysis has shown that the hypothesis is valid on both individual and macro levels but its validity is not universal for all issues. Relations of media and public agendas differ not only depending on the subject matter but they are also different on macro and micro level in case of the same issue.
- Mgr. František Kalvas
Media, Research Methodology