Vinopal, Jiří. 2011. „Povaha veřejného mínění a jeho zkoumání“. Pp. 137-157 in Štědroň, Bohumír, Jaroslav Poláček, Jiří Vinopal, Václav Stříteský, Lukáš Hlaváč, Tomáš Preněk, Monika Ryšavá. Mezinárodní marketing a informační technologie: Vybrané kapitoly. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, a. s. 196 s. ISBN 978-80-7357-690-5.
The article addresses two modalities of public opinion. Firstly it describes basic character of public opinion as a social phenomenon, especially its historical development and theoretical reflections. Secondly it elaborates the public opinion in terms of attitudes of citizens, where especially possibilities and difficulties of surveys are pointed out.
Research Methodology, Public Opinion