Maříková, Hana. 2007. „Práce a pracoviště jako sféry důvěry a soukromí“. Pp. 110-130 in Dudová, Radka (ed.), Šárka Hastrmanová, Hana Hašková, Hana Maříková, Hana Víznerová, Marta Vohlídalová. Souvislosti proměn pracovního trhu a soukromého, rodinného a partnerského života. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.. 166 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-119-4.
This volume looks at the risks affecting the private life of individuals, risks that have been ushered in by changes in the labour market, and it examines whether the shape of the family is changing in the Czech Republic and what groups are most affected by and who most at risk from these changes. The authors also examine the ways in which work life and the private or intimate sphere interact and how individuals cope with the effects of one sphere on the other.
Interpersonal Relations, Work