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Restituce majetku a transformace soukromého nájemního bydlení v České republice

Lux, Martin, Martina Mikeszová. 2011. „Restituce majetku a transformace soukromého nájemního bydlení v České republice“. Pp. 7-18 in Lux, Martin (ed.). Standardy bydlení 2010/2011: Sociální nerovnosti a tržní rizika v bydlení. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.. 205 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-213-9.

Chapter is focused on three research questions: (1) Why was part of the housing stock in the Czech Republic restituted and why it happened in the form of natural restitution instead of financial compensation? (2) Why was preserved conservative rent control and quasi-ownership of housing even for restituted flats? (3) What were the consequences of property restitution on perceptions towards private rental housing, private landlords and their tenants in the Czech Republic?


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