Lux, Martin, Petr Sunega. 2011. „Sociální nerovnosti v bydlení a systémová rizika na trhu bydlení - vliv na sociální soudružnost a ekonomickou stabilitu“. Pp. 109-131 in Lux, Martin (ed.). Standardy bydlení 2010/2011: Sociální nerovnosti a tržní rizika v bydlení. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.. 205 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-213-9.
In situation, when Czech government is not willing and has not sufficient financial means for building cost-based social rental housing, the future of rental housing in the Czech Republic is necessarily connected with private rental housing. The chapter includes description of history of private rental housing and focuses on following questions. What is contemporary status of private rental housing in the CR? Is there a chance that it would become alternative to owner-occupied housing?
Housing, Economy, Public Policy