Nešpor, Zdeněk R. 2007. „Současné mezinárodní migrace a jejich studium“. Pp. 8-23 in Nešporová, Olga. Rodiny přistěhovalců I. Praha: VÚPSV, v.v.i. 62 s. ISBN 978-80-97007-55-6.
The problems associated with migration gain more significance in nowadays globalized
world. The study introduces theoretical views and general information on migrant processes
as well as description of the main life conditions of the immigrants and their families. The
first part of the study summarises main trends and knowledge of European and American
studies on migration and general review of European immigration policies. The second part is
focused on current situation of immigrants in the Czech Republic (CR). This part of the study
is about life conditions of the immigrants, their labour market position, access to housing,
education, health care, state social support benefits and pensions. Moreover, legislative and
real practice of family unification in the CR is mentioned. In the end of the study main issues
and methodology of the future research of the immigrant families are outlined. Three most
important sources were utilized in the study: first scientific literature, second data on
immigrants in the CR based on the published information of the Czech Statistical Office and
the Ministry of interior. The third and the most important source was composed of the
interviews with the specialists who knew more about immigrant issue from everyday practice
and contacts with immigrants and were able to reflect positive and negative aspects of
contemporary solutions and their possible adjustments. The study brings introductory
knowledge for further research that will be conducted in the immigrant families.
Migration and Mobility