Linek, Lukáš, Pat Lyons. 2009. „Stabilní postoj nebo konzistentní odpovídání? Prozkoumání stability stranické identifikace v ČR“. Pp. 98-123 in Škodová, Markéta, Vlastimil Nečas (eds). Veřejná a mediální agenda: komparativní analýza tematizace veřejné sféry. Praha: Professional Publishing. 148 s. ISBN 978-80-7431-009-6.
The chapter analyses stability of answers to party identification question using the panel survey. The basic hypothesis stemming from the classical conceptualization of the party identification is its stability of the intensity and the direction. Although on the aggregate level the stability is high, at the individual level there is quite high inconsistency in answering the question in around 30 per cent of cases.
Politics and Political Attitudes