Linek, Lukáš, Štěpán Pecháček. 2008. „Vliv evropské integrace na politické strany, stranický systém a volební chování v České republice“. Pp. 53-78 in Mansfeldová, Zdenka, Aleš Kroupa (eds.). Proměny reprezentace zájmů po vstupu do Evropské unie. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství SLON. 274 s. ISBN 978-80-86429-88-5.
This chapter studies the influence of European integration on political parties, the party system and the electoral behaviour of the Czech citizens. Europeanisation is an external factor that always emerges when something in a domestic political system is influenced by something European this influence may be direct or indirect. Based on this concept, the authors show minimal effect of Europeanization on the organisational structure and programmes of Czech political parties, the party system, cleavages and electoral behaviour.
European Union, Politics and Political Attitudes, Elections and Electoral Research