Vohlídalová, Marta. 2012. „Ženy, muži a neplacená práce v domácnosti číslech“. Pp. 39-45 in M., Hornová. Pečuj a vypečeme tě: zpráva o neplacené práci v ČR. Praha: Gender Studies. ISBN 978-80-86520-45-2.
The paper focuses on gender inequalities in participation in the housework and child care in the CR. It looks into how these inequalities has been changing since the mid 90´s and inquires what factors are currently affecting the time that men and women spend with these activities. The chapter is based on survey "Life-course 2010" which was conducted at the turn of years 2010 and 2011 by Gender & Sociology dept. , Institute of Sociology AS CR, vvi.
Gender, Work