PhDr. Martina Mysíková, Ph.D.
Department: Economic and Religious Studies
Job: researcher
Phone: 210 310 223
Internal Line: 223
ORCID: 0000-0002-6340-4753
Themes: European Union, Economy, Wages and Incomes, Social Inequalities
Curriculum Vitae
2006-12 Ph.D. at Institute of Economic Studies, Charles University
2006 PhDr. examination
2003-06 - Master of economics at Institute of Economic Studies, Charles University
1999-03 - Bachelor of economics at Institute of Economic Studies, Charles University
Poverty and income inequality, well-being and job satisfaction, household economics, gender inequalities on labour market.
Teaching Activities
2018- (2006-2012) Institute of Economic Studies, Charles University
2010-2011 Banking Institute College of Banking
Foreign Study Visits and Internships
2-6/2010 The University of Melbourne, Australia
11/2009 University of Warsaw, Poland
Martina Mysíková is a researcher in the department of Economic Sociology at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences since 2008. She obtained PhD. in economics from the Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague with the thesis titled “Three Comparative Essays on Gender Earnings Inequality in the Czech Republic” in 2012. She worked in the Czech Statistical Office in the department of Social Statistics (2004-2008) and participated in the methodology and coordination of the international household survey Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC).
Conference presentations
- Želinský, T., Mysíková, M. (2021): „Sensitivity of the Income Poverty Headcount Ratio to Equivalence Scale Parameters“. 36th IARIW General Conference (Oslo, Norway), 23.-27. 8. 2021, online.
- Mysíková, M., Želinský, T. Fialová, K. (2021): „Subjective Income Poverty and Equivalence Scales Eastern vs Western European countries.“ 7th European User Conference for EU-Microdata GESIS (Mannheim, Germany), 25.-26. 3. 2021, online.
- Mysíková, M. (2020): „Jak může pandemie koronaviru ovlivnit chudobu v Česku? Simulace dopadů na míru příjmové chudoby.“ Dopady pandemie na společnost – co říkají data. Zastoupení Evropské komise v České republice, 16. 10. 2020, online conference.
- Mysíková, M., Želinský, T., Garner, T.I., Fialová, K. (2019): „Subjective Income Poverty and Equivalence Scales in Eastern vs Western European countries.“ Special IARIW-HSE Conference on "Experiences and Challenges in Measuring Income and Wealth in Eastern Europe and CIS Countries," IARIW, (Moscow, Russia), 17-18. 9. 2019.
- Mysíková, M., Želinský, T. (2019): „Alternative Approaches to the Identification of the Subjectively Poor.“ 6th European User Conference. GESIS (Mannheim, Germany), 7.-8.3.2019.
- Mysíková, M., Želinský, T., Večerník, J. (2018): „On the Subjective Perception of Poverty in the Czech and Slovak Republics a Quarter Century after the Split.“ 35th IARIW General Conference. IARIW (Copenhagen, Denmark), 20.-25.8.2018.
- Brázdilová, M., Mysíková, M. (2017): "Estimate of economies of scale based on indirect utility function of households". 5th European User Conference. GESIS (Mannheim, Germany), 2-3.3. 2017.
- Mysíková, M. (2017): "“Is it the size of the pie or the share that matters?” European empirics on the financial satisfaction of partners". 5th European User Conference. GESIS (Mannheim, Germany), 2-3.3. 2017
- Mysíková, M., Večerník, J. (2017): "Chudoba v ČR: kritika ukazatelů a evropský kontext". ČSS konference. ČSS, FF UK (Prague, Czech Republic), 1.-3.2.2017.
- Mysíková, M. (2016): "Personal Earnings Inequality and Polarization: The Czech Republic in a Comparison with Austria and Poland". IARIW (Dresden, Germany), 21.-27.8.2016.
- Mysíková, M. (2016): "“Is it the size of the pie or the share that matters?” European empirics on the financial satisfaction of partners". SABE/IAREP (Wageningen, Netherlands), 8.-10.7. 2016.
- Mysíková, M., Večerník, J. (2016): "Statistika chudoby v České republice. Kritický pohled na evropské ukazatele". SŠDS, ŠÚSR, TUKE (Košice, Slovakia), 23.-25.6. 2016.
- Mysíková, M. (2015): “Within-couple financial satisfaction in the Czech Republic: A test of income pooling hypothesis". Psychology and Economics together for a better life. IAREP – SABE (Sibiu, Romania), 3.-6.9. 2015.
- Mysíková, M., Večerník, J., Želinský, T. (2015): “In-work poverty in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: The role of work intensity”. 4th European User Conference. GESIS (Mannheim, Germany), 5.-6.3. 2015.
- Mysíková, M., Večerník, J. (2014): “Returns to education in transition and advanced European countries: The role of an expansion of higher education”. Trends and Challenges on Human Resource International Workshop. ISAG – European Business School (Porto, Portugal), 23.-24.10. 2014.
- Mysíková, M., Večerník, J. (2014): “(Un)happy transition? Subjective well-being in European countries in 1991-2012”. 2014: Twenty-five years after. What has happened to the societies in Central and Southeast Europe since the fall of the Iron Curtain. University of Graz (Graz, Austria), 18.-20.9. 2014.
- Mysíková, M. (2014): “Educational mismatch in the Czech Labour Market”. XXIII Meeting of the Economics of Education Association. AEDE (Valencia, Spain), 2.-4.7. 2014.
- Mysíková, M., Večerník, J. (2013): “A Happy Transition? Subjective Well-Being in European Countries across the West/East Divide in 1991-2012”. 6th Geoffrey J.D. Hewings Regional Economics Workshop, Regional Strategies for Promoting Welfare, Wealth and Work in Europe. WIFO (Vienna, Austria), 16.-17.9. 2013.
- Mysíková, M., Večerník, J. (2013): “A Happy Transition? Subjective Well-Being in European Countries across the West/East Divide in 1991-2012”. PUBLIC HAPPINESS – HEIRs conference 2013. St. Thomas Aquinas University (Rome, Italy), 4.-5.6. 2013.
- Flek, V., Mysíková, M. (2013): “The Use of EU-SILC for Labor Flows Analysis: Methodology and Some First Results”. 3rd European User Conference for EU-LFS and EU-SILC. GESIS (Mannheim, Germany), 21.-22.3. 2013.
- Mysíková, M. (2012): “Subjective Well-Being and Job Satisfaction across Europe: Differences between and within Regions”. Cross-National Evidence from European Social Survey: Exploring Public Attitudes, Informing Public Policy in Europe. European University Cyprus (Nicosia, Cyprus), 23.-25.11.2012.
- Mysíková, M. (2011): “Income Inequality within Couples: Female Employment and Gender Wage Gap”. 2nd European User Conference for EU-LFS and EU-SILC. GESIS (Mannheim, Germany), 31.3.-1.4. 2011.
- Mysíková, M. (2010): “Harmonisation of EU-SILC: Obstacles for Users”. Workshop on Harmonisation of Social Survey Data for Cross-National Comparison. Sociological Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague, CR), 19.10.2010.
- Mysíková, M. (2009): “Income Inequalities within Couples in the Czech Republic and Selected European Countries”. The European User Conference for EU-LFS and EU-SILC. German Microdata Lab, GESIS a Eurostat (Mannheim, Germany), 5.-6.3.2009.
- Mysíková, M., Tourek, Š., Zelený, M. (2007): “Attrition in EU-SILC in the Czech Republic”. The European Survey Research Association 2007 Conference. ESRA, VŠE, CZSO (Prague, CR), 25.-29.6.2007.
- Mysíková, M., Zelený, M. (2006): “EU-SILC: Survey Process in the Czech Republic”. Comparative EU-Statistics on Income and Living Conditions: Issues and Challenges. Eurostat and Statistics Finland (Helsinki, Finland), 6.-8.11.2006.
Selected Publications
Hospodaření a finanční spokojenost českých domácností
2024, Fialová, Kamila, Mysíková, Martina
Půjčky, úvěry a zadluženost v českých domácnostech
2023, Fialová, Kamila, Mysíková, Martina
Income poverty: Household expenses and indebtedness in European countries
Project Duration: 2023 - 2025
Methodology and reality of poverty: Czech Republic in the European context
Project Duration: 2018 - 2021
Social stratification in the Czech Republic and Central Europe: 1968-2018
Project Duration: 2018 - 2020