Project Duration: 2018 - 2021
The economics of poverty has still not been thoroughly researched in the Czech Republic, although it is a highly relevant topic. Similarly, the international comparability of poverty indicators remains rather unexplained in the European context. First, we intend to revise the currently most common income-based measure of poverty – at-risk-of poverty rate – by developing a country-specific equivalence scale used for its construction. Second, these estimations will be extended to provide poverty measures that account not only for differences among households but also for within-household inequality. Third, subjective poverty will be analysed and a methodology of measuring subjective income poverty line derived. Fourth, the explanatory power of the indicator of material deprivation will be verified. The transferability of established methodologies will be tested and extended to the European context. The work will piece together the missing and known knowledge about the Czech economics of poverty.
The work on the project resulted in a dozen of publications, from which seven papers were published in journals with impact factor and two in other peer-reviewed journals. Most of the final results are presented in a monograph Measuring income poverty in the EU: Visegrád countries and European empirical data.
Principal Investigator:
Members of the project team:
Economy, European Union, Research Methodology, Wages and Incomes, Social Inequalities, Standard of Living
Contracting authority:
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Related Publications:
Intra-household distribution of resources and income poverty and inequality in Visegrad countries
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Estimating subjective poverty lines with discrete information
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Minimum wage and youth employment in regions of the Visegrád countries
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Subjective equivalence scales in Eastern versus Western European countries
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Trends in subjective income poverty rates in the European Union
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Measuring Income Poverty in the EU: Visegrád Countries and European Empirical Data
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Do low minimum wages disserve workers? A case study of the Czech and Slovak Republics
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Equivalence scale and income poverty: Two approaches how to estimate country-specific scale for the Czech Republic
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Poverty in the Czech Republic. A Critical Look at EU Indicators. 2020 Update of Tables and Figures
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Choosing an optimal material deprivation indicator threshold
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Subjective equivalence scales and income poverty in Eastern vs Western European countries
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On the Measurement of the Income Poverty Rate: The Equivalence Scale across Europe
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How Does “The Share of the Pie” Matter? European Empirics on the Financial Satisfaction of Partners
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