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  • Fragile Pronatalism and Reproductive Futures in European Post‐Socialist Contexts

Szalma, Ivett, Hašková, Hana, Oláh, Livia, Takács, Judit. 2022. „Fragile Pronatalism and Reproductive Futures in European Post‐Socialist Contexts“. Social Inclusion 10 (3): 82-86. (editorial). Dostupné z: https://www.cogitatiopress.com/socialinclusion/article/view/6128/6128

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This editorial seeks to define fragile pronatalism by highlighting why pronatalism in the examined Central and Eastern European post‐socialist countries should be considered fragile. Moreover, it aims to map desirable future changes in fertility policies in the region. Following a brief presentation of the articles contained in this thematic issue, our concluding thoughts complete this editorial.


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