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  • Sustainable Governance Indicators 2011 - Czech Republic Report

Mansfeldová, Zdenka, Martin Myant, Frank Bönker. 2011. „Sustainable Governance Indicators 2011 - Czech Republic Report“. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung. 32 s. Dostupné z: http://www.sgi-network.org/pdf/SGI11_CzechRep.pdf

The report on Czech Republic is a part of study supported by Bertelsmann Stiftung – Sustainable Governance Indicators. The whole report offers a comparative assessment of 31 OECD countries. The concepts of sustainability and governance form the conceptual underpinnings of the SGI’s two pillars, the Status Index and Management Index. Whereas the Status Index examines the relative success of policies implemented in recent years, the Management Index focuses on the efficiency and accountability of the underlying policy-making processes.




Evropská unie, Politika a postoje k politice


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