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  • The Context of Changes in the Labour Market and Forms of Private, Family and Partner Life in Czech Society

Project Duration: 2004 - 2007

Category: Projects

The objective of the project is to identify the main changes in the labour market and to study their context and impact on the organisation of private life among Czech people. The project focuses on the changing forms of partner and family cohabitation, upbringing, and the plurality of life strategies and lifestyles. It analyses the interaction between the work and domestic spheres in Czech society, where they overlap, and how they influence one another. Using large-scale qualitative research and ten qualitative probes focusing on the specific groups and segments of society indicative of the trends and directions of social development the project aims to contribute to explaining the interaction between changes in the labour market and the organisation of private life among the Czech population, especially changes and the development of new forms of private, family and partner life among individual groups of the population, and to evaluating people’s life perspectives, strategies and satisfaction.

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Ministry Project


Gender & Sociology

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