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  • National Contact Centre - Women and Science III.

Project Duration: 2008 - 2012

Category: Projects

A follow-up grant, the activities the Center develops fall into two basic lines. The first is to support women researchers' participation in European research, promote equal opportunities in science and research and support early career researchers, including the development of practical tools for achieving these objectives and making recommendations for policy-making . The second line is the theoretical exploration of feminist epistemology and science studies from a gender perspective on issues of knowledge production, power and gender. The Centre carried out the following projects: information portal Infomat , Young Talents (this project built on the project Woman of the Month and aimed to present successful young women researchers). The Center also published its own newsletter and online magazine Context: Journal for gender and knowledge. Since 2005, the Centre participated in the European Researchers' Night events.

Principal Investigator:

Members of the project team:


European Union, Gender, Public Policy

Contracting authority:

Ministry Project


Gender & Sociology

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Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Academic couples, parenthood and women’s research careers

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Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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