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  • Vzdělávání cizinců ve školách a jeho dopad na úspěšné začlenění do české společnosti

Project Duration: 2023 - 2026

Category: Projects

The project, which is unique in the Czech context, deals with the topic of education of pupils with insufficient knowledge of Czech as the language of instruction in primary schools (ages 6-15) and high schools (ages 15-19). Building up the foreigners' language competence is considered a key factor in successful integration and the necessary condition of realizing their educational potential.

The aim of the project is to analyse the current situation, to identify the main language learning barriers among the foreign pupils of primary schools and high schools, to come up with measures of eliminating the barriers, and to call attention to the opportunities and support the current system offers. Secondly, the project aims to find out what are the barriers of elementary school to high school transition, faced by foreign pupils. Last but not least, we would like to identify and compare the reasons for the discontinuation of high school education among Czech pupils and pupils of foreign descent.

The project outcomes will provide the decision makers with new information and findings regarding the educational policy adjustments in relation to the integration of foreigners.

The application guarantor of the project is the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The project is realized in cooperation with the non-profit organization Konsorcium nevládních organizací pracujících s migranty and the Faculty of Arts, Charles University.

Principal Investigator:

Members of the project team:

Co-investigators outside the institute:

  • Mgr. Andrea Krchová
  • Mgr. Blanka Tollarová, Ph.D.
  • Mgr. Yvona Kostelecká, Ph.D.


Migration and Mobility, Education

Contracting authority:

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic


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