Gibas, Petr, a kol. 2020. Kutilství: Od „udělej si sám“ po DIY. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.. 127 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-378-5.
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The book Bricolage: From “self-led manual projects” to DIY connects bricolage (kutilství) with broad questions regarding today´s society, its development and change. It treats bricolage as a topic and research terrain that allows us to shed new light on these issues. The book shows what makes bricolage interesting for social sciences not (just) per se but as a means to understanding today´s pressing issues. Its chapters focus on individual fields of research interest showing how bricolage can help to improve and develop theory and concepts for social sciences.
The book is in Czech with an English summary. A free of charge copy can be ordered via form / e-mail.
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