Vohlídalová, Marta. 2006. „Mají muži a ženy v ČR odlišné postoje k práci?“. Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum. 7 (1): 26-31. ISSN 1213-0028.
The position of men and women on the Czech labour market is not equal. Many authors concerned with explanation of the reasons of the gender inequalities on the labour market emphasize the role of structural barriers and gender stereotypes. In this paper I am trying to answer the question whether it is either the existence of structural barriers or different attitudes of men and women towards work that is the cause of the obvious gender inequality on the Czech labour market. The analysis revealed that the differences in attitudes of men and women towards work are marginal and that many gender stereotypes according to which women are less ambitious employees than men are untenable. The structural barriers and gender stereotypes are thus possible to be considered as the principal causes of the gender inequalities on the Czech labour market. The findings are based on a quantitative analysis of data collected in a study of 5 510 respondents in 2005 in the Czech Republic.
Gender, Family