Křížková, Alena (ed.), Čermáková, Marie, Dudová, Radka, Maříková, Hana, Uhdeová, Zuzana. 2005. „Obtěžování žen a mužů a sexuální obtěžování v českém systému pracovních vztahů. Rozsah, formy, aktéři, řešení“. MPSV ČR 2005. Praha: MPSV ČR. 88 s.
This study of the final report on the research project “An Analysis of the Occurrence of the Harassment of Women and Men and Sexual Harassment at the Workplace”, conducted in 2004-2005 and commissioned by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic. This project was the first in the Czech Republic whose aim was following the introduction of the definition of sexual harassment into the Czech legal code to conduct a complex analysis of the extent of the problem The study presents the results of surveys carried out as part of the project: a public opinion survey on harassment and sexual harassment at the workplace, semi-structured interviews with selected representatives of employers – human resources managers, case studies of victims of sexual harassment, focus groups containing representatives of trades unions.
Gender, Sexuality