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3906 Publications

Single Motherhood and Child Mortality in Sub-Saharan African: A Life Course Perspective

Single motherhood in sub-Saharan Africa has received surprisingly little attention, although it is widespread and has critical implications for children’s wellbeing. Using survival analysis techniques, we estimate the probability of becoming a single mother over women’s life course and investigate the relationship between single motherhood and child mortality in 11 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Although a mere 5 % of women in Ethiopia have a premarital birth, one in three women in Liberia will become mo…

Topics: Parenting, Public health

Publication Type: Article with impact factor

Department: Values and Politics

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Zdraví a rodinný stav

This article focuses on the link between marital status and health and presents an overview of the theories and empirical studies that are devoted to this issue. The article examines the issues of selection and causality, the importance of the quality of a union, gender differences, marital and partnership histories, and social context. It shows that, while the link between marital status and mortality or physical and mental health is well documented in the literature, the relative signifi cance of causality a…

Topics: Family, Public health

Publication Type: Article with impact factor

Department: Values and Politics

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Analýza současného stavu protikorupční politiky ČR a doporučení k implementaci nové protikorupční strategie

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Vzdělanostní nerovnosti v české společnosti. Vývoj od počátku 20. století do současnosti

Vzdělanostní nerovnosti v české společnosti. Vývoj od počátku 20. století do současnosti

The monograph describes the major turning points in the research of educational inequalities, presents basic quantitative data regarding transition to higher education in the Czech Republic, and summarizes the development of educational inequalities in access to secondary and tertiary education. It also provides a new analysis of intergenerational transmission of educational attainment from the parents to their children, using mobility tables and log-linear models.…

Topics: Social Inequalities, Education

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Mapování regionálních disparity ve finanční dostupnosti vlastnického bydlení

Topics: Housing, Wages and Incomes, Regions, Social Inequalities

Publication Type: Public event or educational activity

Department: Socioeconomics of Housing

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Protest proti globalizaci. Gender a feministická kritika

Protest proti globalizaci. Gender a feministická kritika

The books addresses gender aspects of globalization and anti-globalization movement globálky and in the Czech Republic. It focuses on a question where the anti-globalization critique meets the feminist critique of globalization. The text presents feminist critique of globalization and its inclusion in the anti-globalization discourse. The book drala with several aspects of the contemporary anti-globalization movement – its ideological frames, composition and tactics.…

Topics: Gender, Globalization, Identity, Civil Society, Work

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Local and regional studies

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