Found 199 publications (displayed results 121 - 140)

The chapter is discussing attitudes of Czech population towards immigration in terms of its negative and positive impact on the society; to what extent Czechs associate this phenomenon with a problem for their country and also how they perceive themselves in terms of being tolerant toward foreigners.

Topic: human relations, migration and mobility

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

Authors examine insti¬tutional contexts, ideologies and practices that have sha¬ped citizenship of women in various socio-economic, ethnic and national groups in Czech society since 1940s. They challenge static descriptions of gender relations in the communist societies in Europe. The continuity of discourse, practices, and institutions before and after 1989 is highlighted, de¬monstrating how difficult it is for cultural and institutional changes to take place.

Topic: gender

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

This study examines attitudes towards migrants. The authors focus on the attitudes in Czech society, but they also use data from international surveys in order to situate the attitudes of respondents from the Czech Republic in a wider context. The theme of the relationship between the ‘domestic population’ and foreigners is very current today. The inter-year increase in the size of the foreign population in the Czech Republic is one of the largest in Europe.

Topic: human relations, migration and mobility

Type of publication: MonographDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

Topic: methodology

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

Topic: methodology, sociological data

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

The process of the Europeanisation of Czech alien and asylum laws seems to be rather inconsistent. The integration into the EU has brought some changes, which have not yet had a profound affect on the actual nature of immigration. Today immigration to the Czech Republic is often described as a short-term labour migration.

Topic: EU, migration and mobility, civil society, politics (and political attitudes), public policy

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

The book has following major objectives: (1) to provide an overview of the criteria of quality considered desirable in sample surveys; (2) to evaluate the survey climate in the Czech Republic; and (3) to perform an in-depth analysis of two key topics: the nonresponse problem in sample surveys in the Czech Republic, and the quality of election polls in the Czech case.  

Topic: methodology, sociological data, public opinion

Type of publication: MonographDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

In the Czech context, migration has not yet become a subject of political discourse. The detailed analysis of the political parties’ programs as well as the public speeches of several politicians revealed certain differences in the attitudes toward migration.

Topic: migration and mobility, public policy

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

The chapter seeks to describe and interprert individual periods of Michel Foucault´s work. Emphasis is paid to its assumptions, effects and mothods. All of this is made through readining and interpretation of texts of Foucalt and his comentators and followers in context of historical sociology. Texts from Words and Things to History of Sexuality vol. I. are taken into account.

Topic: historical sociology

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

The aim of the article is to inform about archiving of sociological data. The article deals with this topic in several ways. The first is a meaning of data archiving for scientific work and place of it in „ the data life cycle“. Folloving part concentrates on how to prepare data for archivation. The last part is about DDI standard, which is tool for describing (not only) sociological data.

Topic: sociological data

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

In the area of international comparative research social data archives have an important role in both, dissemination of survey data and participation in organisation of surveys. Common European networked data infrastructure is desired tool, which would provide more efficient services in this respect. Several projects (DDI, NESSTAR, MADIERA, etc.) have accomplished significant progress.

Topic: sociological data

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

Non-response trends in Czechia point to a decline in the survey climate in 1990s. While non-contacts and refusals are a significant problem, issues relating to how fieldwork is undertaken are equally important. The relative success of the Czech Statistical Office in attenuating non-response demonstrates that prudent surveying strategies can be effective.

Topic: methodology

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

This article examines whether there are any differences in the way in which married couples and unmarried cohabitating couples manage their incomes.Using data from the ISSP 1994 and the ISSP 2002 the author attempts to answer the question of whether over the course of the 1990s in the CR the character of unmarried cohabitation changed, and whether the economic arrangements of unmarried couples with children resemble those of married couples.

Topic: human relations, wages and incomes, family

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

Topic: migration and mobility

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

The article offers an attempt to describe the debate on the concept of attitude in the social sciences and of possibilities of its measurement. Emphasis is paid to the critique of classic conception of attitude from Pierre Bourdieu and the discursive psychologists.

Topic: methodology

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

The article introduces the reader to the functioning of the MEDARD qualitative data archive within Sociological Data Archive. Presented are elementary information and services provided by the archive for researchers in the field of qualitative research.

Topic: sociological data

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

The article focuses on the archiving and sharing of qualitative data from the general point of view. The text discusses the whole idea and concept of archivation. Of particular interest in the discussion are methodological, ethical and legislative aspects of archiving and sharing of qualitative data.

Topic: sociological data

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

Topic: migration and mobility, sociological data

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

Topic: migration and mobility

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive
