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  • Nation (Un)masked: Imagined Immunities and Responsible Citizenship in a Postsocialist Pandemic.

Stöckelová, T., Kolářová, K., Senft, L. 2023. „Nation (Un)masked: Imagined Immunities and Responsible Citizenship in a Postsocialist Pandemic.“. Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review. 55(6): 583-606. Dostupné z: https://doi.org/10.31577/sociologia.2023.55.6.21

The Covid-19 pandemic revealed a dramatic need for modes of solidarity and responsibility that take into account welfare of others and simultaneously stem from the recognition of global co-dependency and shared vulnerabilities. Using the concepts of ‘imagined immunity’ and ‘competing responsibilities’, this article examines the ways in which experiences, skills and discourses of the socialist past were mobilized during the first year of the pandemic in the Czech Republic in diverse, often contradictory ways to articulate the complexities of and hindrances to such modes of biopolitical solidarity.


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