Project Duration: 2014 - 2017
The "structural change" component of the project aims to implement cultural and institutional change at the Institute of Chemical Technology Prague (ICT). The ICT is a higher education institution with a highly developed international cooperation and successful in European research however, a project aimed at addressing human resource development and gender equality is missing in its project portfolio. The National Contact Centre for Women and Science at the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences will provide gender expertise and will assist the ICT in the implementation of the structural change programme, which will be complementary to the FP 7 TRIGGER project. The project is the first of its kind in the Czech Republic and will contribute to achieving four goals: 1. Implementing the method of cultural and institutional change at the ICT Prague , 2. Expand and enhance international research and infrastructural coopration of the implementation team at the European level , sharing of good practices and exchanging experience, 3. Development of human resources and women's research potential at the ICT Prague and 4. Develop a new research stream in the Czech Republic in the area of implementation of cultural and institutional change in research.
Principal Investigator:
Principal investigator outside the institute:
- Ing. Anna Mittnerová
Members of the project team:
- Mgr. Hana Víznerová
European Union, Gender, Sociology of Sciences
Contracting authority:
Ministry Project
Related Publications:
Academic Excellence and Gender Bias in the Practices and Perceptions of Scientists in Leadership and Decision-making Positions
Themes: gender, sociologievedy
Publication Type: recenzovanyclanek
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science