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  • Women and employment: advances and challenges in policies for women's labour-force participation in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of the post-pandemic recovery

Daza Aramayo, L. G. - Křížková, Alena - Lopez Igual, P. - Maufras Černohorská, V. - Nyklová, Blanka - Partida Rocha, R. - Peterson, E. - Pospíšilová, Marie - Rocha Carpiuc, C. - Rodríguez-Modroño, P. - Távora, I. - Vohlídalová, Marta - Actis di Pasquale, E. - Addabbo, T. - Aspiazu, E. - Cutuli, R. - Damiani, P. - Daza Aramayo, L. J. - Dudová, Radka - Espinosa Fajardo, J. - Fernández Marín, A. M. - Formánková, Lenka - Heřmanová, Marie. 2022. „Women and employment: advances and challenges in policies for women's labour-force participation in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of the post-pandemic recovery“. EU-LAC Policy Brief No. 4. Madrid: EU-LAC foundation. 27 s. [cit. 24.10.2022]Available from:

The purpose of this document is to provide inputs and contribute to reflection for decision-making in the field of equality in employment between men and women. It aims to be a document of proposals and measures of public policies that can be taken into consideration, both in the 27 countries of the European Union (EU27) and in their relationship with their partners in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), to increase women's participation into the labour market in a stable and equitable manner.


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