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  • We Defend Women's Rights in the Czech Republic

Project Duration: 2014 - 2016

Category: Projects

The aim of the project was to advance gender equality at the institutional level, in the labour market, in the family and in society. The Centre's activities focused primarily on the establishment and functioning of the Gender Expert Chamber of the Czech Republic. The objectives are to be achieved through the following steps:

    Promoting at least two legislative measures that will lead to the elimination of equal opportunity deficits, based on analyses of the state of equal opportunities and monitoring of the activities of the Government and Parliament of the Czech Republic,
    the creation of a chamber of gender experts, which will serve as an independent platform for cooperation with the Czech executive and will provide an expert base on equal opportunities,
    promoting the ratification of at least one international convention on equal opportunities and women's rights, which the Czech Republic is obliged to ratify and has not yet done so,
    promoting at least one legislative measure leading to real respect for women's reproductive rights and the legislative anchoring of the midwifery profession,
    improving information for parents, midwives and doctors through information campaigns, conferences and manuals.

Norway Grants | OSF Praha | Česká ženská lobby


Principal Investigator:

Members of the project team:



Contracting authority:



National Contact Centre for Gender & Science


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