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  • Changing work and job values in the Czech Republic

Project Duration: 2014 - 2016

Category: Projects

Around the world there are various branches of socio-economic research that make work and jobs their focus object of study. This interest has been heightened by the current economic recession, which has increased the risk of unemployment and raises questions about future changes in the area of the labour force and employment. In contrast, this area is under-researched in the Czech Republic. The main task of the project is thus to provide a rich picture of the current behaviour of the Czech labour force, with a particular focus on changes in work perceptions and job-related values. This perspective reflects the fact that in periods of uncertainty, values and behavioural factors become increasingly important. We intend to analyse various sociological and statistical surveys which enable comparisons across time and countries. In addition to available datasets, the 2015 ISSP module on Work Orientations, which is to include questions about the current situation in the Czech Republic, will be implemented during work on the project.
Further, the following sources of empirical data will be used:
The European Values Study (EVS)
The European Social Survey (ESS
The European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS)
Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)

Principal Investigator:

Members of the project team:


Migration and Mobility, Wages and Incomes, COM_CCK_nabozenstvi_a_religiozita, Work, Family

Contracting authority:

Grant Agency of the Czech Republic


Economic and Religious Studies

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