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Práce, hodnoty, blahobyt. České reálie v evropském kontextu

Večerník, Jiří (ed.). 2016. Práce, hodnoty, blahobyt. České reálie v evropském kontextu. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.. 415 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-295-5.

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Kamila Fialová, Dana Hamplová, Martina Mysíková, Zdeněk R. Nešpor, Jiří Večerník (editor). Work, Values, Well-being. Czech Reality in a European Context. Prague, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, 2016, 416 p.

The book describes the fields of work and family in the Czech Republic in comparison with European countries using statistical and sociological surveys. The first part is devoted to the labour market and education. The second part aims at objective and subjective well-being, their indicators and determinants. The third part describes work and life values including religion. To each part, a “historical appendix” is attached using less recent sources and describing former initiatives in given areas.


Part 1 Labour market and education

1. Development and problems of the Czech labour market

2. Part-time work in European countries

3. Impact of the low work intensity on poverty in the Czech Republic

4. Educational mismatch in the Czech labour market

5. Further adult education in the Czech Republic

Historical appendix: The first empirical research of work in the Czech sociology

Part 2 Objective and subjective well-being

6. Well-being in the Czech Republic in aggregate indicators

7. Subjective indicators of well-being and their research

8. Determinants of subjective well-being in the Czech Republic and Central Europe

9. Economic level and subjective well-being in European countries

10. Poverty in objective and subjective indicators

Historical appendix: Sociology as a way to well-being and happiness

Part 3 Satisfaction and values

11. Life and job satisfaction in the Czech Republic

12. Difference in job satisfaction in European countries

13. Impact of employment on subjective well-being of mothers in European countries

14. Work and job values in the Czech Republic and Europe

15. Impact of religiosity on work orientations and social life in the contemporary Czech society

Historical appendix: Religion and religiosity as explanation factor of social phenomena

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