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  • The phenomenon of childlessness in the context of social changes in Czech society

Project Duration: 2003 - 2006

Category: Projects

The subject matter of the project was a comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon of childlessness in Czech society, focusing on involuntary childlessness as well as the choice of life without children. An emphasis was on researching life strategies, conditions and identities of childless men and women of three age categories. Childlessness was studied comprehensively, including socio-demographic analysis of the changes in the number and structure of the childless, a media analysis of childlessness, a secondary analysis of quantitative data concerning the issue of family and reproduction, and a qualitative analysis of 60 problem-centered interviews with childless men and women of three age categories.

Principal Investigator:

Contracting authority:

Grant Agency of the Czech Republic


Gender & Sociology

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